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Upgraded Communication Center Guide

Software Demos
July 8, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Introducing your newly upgraded message centre.

This exclusive feature sets us apart from all other personal trainer software providers, solidifying our position as the industry leader.

Here's a short demo of the upgraded message centre..... We're sure you'll love it!

Transcript of Video

The new upgraded communication center in PT Distinction makes messaging your clients really fast, really easy, and incredibly effective.

This is an unmatched feature in any other software. I'm going to dive into a client dashboard and show you how it works.

Inside your client and group dashboards, you'll now see there's a communications tab. You can click on that and it will show you any messages that you've scheduled already, any that have been sent, any in your outbox that didn't send, and drafts.

You can make half a message if you wish to, and if you need to leave it, you can just leave it in your drafts folder.

You can add messages by coming up to the ad specifically for the communications area or the main add button for the dashboard. Either one works well by default.

The in-app messaging is already set up for you. For SMS, you can set that up very easily here and you can link up your own email address to have all of these options with email as well.

Both of those are very quick and easy to set up. I use the in app message to show you how it all works. Some great options in here.

You can schedule either sending it now, once only. You can repeat weekly or you can have custom repeating that gives you any options you like.

Now and once only. Obviously self explanatory for repeat weekly you just select when you want the message to start sending, when you want it to stop sending, and then you can select the days that you want it to go out and the times custom allows you to do it in any way you wish to. So amazing options in here.

You can do it every certain number of days or weeks and set it for as long as you wish to. So I'll set this message every two days and we'll do it for two weeks.

So really easy to set up a nice reminder message for your clients. You've got text option, image or video so you can message in any way you wish to and you can add placeholder text.

This is most useful when doing it in groups, but it also works in a client dashboard so you can copy first name, surname email address, their password, login, link and links to your apps as well as their days schedule. So use any one of these.

It's as simple as clicking on the copy and then coming over and paste into your message that will now send your client their date schedule on the schedule that you've set up for them.

You can write any message that you wish to and you can add in emojis if you wish to. When you're happy with your message you can either schedule, send, cancel or save into your drafts folder and that is all completely set up for you.

You can view your message lists in a number of different ways, so newest modified is by default. You can do the schedule order, which is very useful when you're looking to order the schedule or by the subject and Alphabet.

And the settings allow you to set two way or one way messaging option for the app messages. That means either your clients can message you back or it's just you sending them messages entirely up to you, which you go with.

You can also set whether they use your time zone for what time they receive messages, or you can set their time zone for when they receive the messages.

The other update with this is if you come into your schedule, you'll be able to see all of the messages alongside everything else that your client has scheduled. So that's the week and the month view and you can see that they've got their iems scheduled there.

And if you have other items scheduled such as programs, nutrition, coaching and habits, then they'll all be in the schedule that you can see alongside your messaging to make a really cohesive coaching package. You can obviously filter the schedule for anything you like.

So if you just want to see the messages, you can hit communication and filter just for that. If you don't want to see your messages, then obviously you can filter for any other items in the schedule.

This whole setup is very, very similar inside the groups, so it gives you an incredibly powerful and unmatched communication tool to use with your clients and even for future and past clients with the emails as well. So really, really powerful, amazing feature that you can use for your online coaching.

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